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(as of – Details)

Various posts in Railway group – D such as Assistant (workshop), Assistant Points man, Assistant bridge, track Maintainer, (grade IV), Assistant signal and telecom etc. Have been released by RRBs on behalf of rrcs for interested and eligible candidates throughout the country. Study package for RRBs level 1 for various posts in Group-D has been revised carefully and consciously to help aspirants who are preparing for this computer based test 2019. It follows the latest pattern of the syllabus. It has different chapters on Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Science and General Awareness along with their section tests. Chapter wise notes along with sufficient MCQs covers the entire syllabus. Each Chapter also covers previous years’ Questions. It includes Solved papers of 2018 and 2 Practice Sets for self-evaluation. Enclosed with a good set of study resources, This book is a complete success package for aspirants gearing up for RRBs group – D CBT 2019.