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Rank Booster (RB) Book by Resonance for JEE-Advanced for class 12th . It includes two sections, Section-I provides Topic wise questions and Section-II provides Part & Full Syllabus tests. Section-I of Resonance Rank Booster (R-RB) is a collection of over 3000 questions – more than 1000 questions in Physics,Chmestry,Mathematics each. Section-II comprises of a series of test papers (3 Part Tests for class XI & XII each, 1 Full Syllabus Tests of class XI, XII, Class XI & XII respectively). In all there are 6 PTs and 3 FSTs (9 Test Papers). The quality and quantity of problems in the R-RB have been framed with great precision and accuracy with the level of problems as per the JEE (Advanced) standards keeping in mind the requirements of JEE (Advanced) . Each question is framed by the experts of Resonance focusing on student’s perfect preparation and rectifying the prevalent misconcepts.