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Mat 20 years topic-wise Solved Papers (1997-2016) consists of detailed solutions of the past 20 years of MAT question papers distributed in 55 topics. The book is divided into 5 sections mathematical skills, language Comprehension, data analysis and Sufficiency, intelligence and critical Reasoning and Indian and global environment. These 5 sections are further divided into 55 chapters. The book is also helpful for other exams like CMAT, NMAT, ATMA, IRMA, SNAP, Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, Railways, etc. To summarise, the book is aimed to serve as one stop solution for all major competitive exams. The book contains 5800+ MILESTONE problems for the major competitive exams. The book is fully solved and provides detailed explanation to each and every question. The layout of the book is so simple that a student can prepare/ revise a topic and then solve the previous year questions of that topic from this book.